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⚜ The Atom Palace ⚜

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Magical Illustrator ✧ Collector

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⚜ About Me ⚜

Princess Sol

19.11 🩵 she / her
The Fairy Princess

I have been making art for as long as I can remember; I begun drawing at about age two, and never stopped. I breathe art, and it is my pleasure to share it with you.My illustrations are thoroughly infused with all the things I love, focusing on dreamy, magical pieces often featuring my favourite characters- and a very generous sprinkle of fairy glitter! ✨I also have a passion for collecting, focusing on a few specific characters and franchises, so you can expect posts on this topic too.When I’m not creating, I also love playing games on my switch, appreciating nature, dabbling in cookery and pâtisserie, and- most of all- spending time with my boyfriend 💞more →
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⚜ About Me ⚜

interests: Pokémon, Tokyo Mew Mew, Precure, Tamagotchi, Sailor Moon, The Legend of Zelda, Dungeon Meshi, Sanrio, Animal Crossing, Blueyfavours: aqua, pink, gold; artistic pursuits; my loved ones' smiles; animated films; tea, hot or iced; scented roses, lily of the valley; cats; comedy, drawing silly expressions; macarons in dainty boxes; ballet; nature spotting; pretty tableware; rainbows after raindisapproves: dust and clutter; being told what to do; whipped cream; food waste; irresponsible animal ownership; pushing and shoving← back
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⚜ F. A. Q. ⚜

May I use your art as a profile picture/header?
Please check with me first- a lot of my artwork depicts my personal mascots, which is for my use only. Otherwise though I will most likely say yes!
May I draw your OCs/mascot/trainersona?
Of course! 🥺 Thank you for even considering it!
Do you take commissions?
I have in the past, although I am not currently open for them and I do not offer a waiting list as I have no plans to open in the near future. Keep an eye on my socials for spontaneous announcements though!
Have you seen my ping/DM?
I do my best to catch every notification, but if I’ve missed something important please don’t hesitate to ping me again!
I try and answer DMs relating to commissions as fast as I can. Casual conversations in DMs are not my forte, as such I am unlikely to respond to those- please don’t take it personally. If you’d like to say a little something, my Tumblr ask box is always open!
What do you use to draw?
I almost always draw on Procreate for iPad with an Apple Pencil these days!
Why “atompalace”?
I started using “atom” as a gaming nickname (because they’re small, I’m petite too! I just thought it was cute hehe). When I decided to post online, I added “palace” to the end for a regal touch ✨
Where do you post your content?
I am most active on Twitter, as well as on Tumblr and Bluesky. I am not currently active on my other social media accounts, but you can find them all on my Linktree. Any other usernames may be reposting or imitating, and I would be grateful to be informed.
How can I support you and your artwork?
Aside from RTs/likes/comments which are always immensely appreciated or commissioning me when I announce an opening on social media, you can also buy my prints on my INPRNT boutique any time, or send me a coffee on my Ko-Fi! Thank you so much for loving my creations 🩵

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⚜ Make a Wish! ⚜

Congrats, you’ve found a secret page!!!
Atomian Sylveon hopes you have a lovely day ♡

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⚜ My Sonas ⚜

Since they represent me, you have likely seen these characters appear in my illustrations- read on to learn more about them.

Atomian Sylveon
The Shiniest Sylveon- my own Pokémon mascot!
This Sylveon is one-of-a-kind; she has beautiful gold markings reminiscent of fleur-de-lys. She is a Fairy/Steel type and her signature move is Aura Ribbon. Her official celebration day is January the 20th, when I first designed her.

Princess Solveon
Alternate design of my Pokémon mascot!
Distinguished from other shiny Sylveons in that she has rainbowy eyes and usually wears my signature Atom Crown, my Shiny Tiara, or an exclusive Best Friend Ribbon with a crown atop the gold heart. She’s essentially just like Atomian Sylveon except without the gold markings and special lore.
note: I sometimes refer to Atomian Sylveon as Solveon too, but Atomian Sylveon strictly refers to the version with the gold markings. Both are representative of me and I draw them interchangeably in the context of autobiographical doodles.

Sol, The Fairy Princess
My Pokémon trainer sona!
Princess Sol is the head of the Atom Palace, a dreamy haven for Fairy types and aura-using Pokémon. Her sweet aesthetics and presence in the Contest Coordination scene belie a lot of quiet knowledge; not many know that she is also a Professor! Her Pokémon companions are Diamond (Lucario), Fraisette (Sylveon), and Seraphina (✨Sylveon). Her first Pokémon Trainer’s journey took place in Sinnoh, and she also knows Galar and Kalos well.

Atomian Creature..?
A simplified mascot with all the features of Atomian Sylveon that are mine, forming a character that is entirely original. She is relatively new and her design and name are both a work in progress, but I wanted to have a mascot unassociated with an existing IP (although the others aren’t going anywhere!). She is a Chinchilla Persian, literally- half cat, half chinchilla! She’s small but full of silliness and can drink thrice her weight in bubble tea.

My personal Tamagotchi mascot!
Himemametchi is part of the Mame group. She is enthusiastic about scientific investigation, good food, and ribbons, and she definitely goes to bed too late. She likes gyudon and dislikes cheesecake.

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⚜ Being a Princess ⚜

What’s with all the princess theming?For some, being a princess means putting the title before your name and liking pink. This is entirely acceptable, after all the internet is a fine place for self expression. Leave the gatekeeping to the gatekeepers.For me, though, being a Princess is not just a title and a tiara- it is a lifestyle, a mindset, a philosophy; It’s about being a little decadent, using your favourite teacup instead of letting it sit in a box, appreciating the finer things in life yet knowing that its biggest luxuries are often complimentary.
It’s about being gracious in everything you do, being considerate of everyone, wielding the power of empathy to seek to understand your peers, and never forgetting to say “Please” and “Thank you”.
It’s about embracing whimsy, surrounding yourself with the things you think are beautiful, pursuing your interests freely and exercising the right to use your talents to create whatever your imagination desires, immune to the fear of ridicule.
It's about integrity and striving to do and stand up for what is right, knowing when it’s okay to take a posy of flowers back to your palace and when you ought to let them grow wild.
It’s about being self assured, remembering that those who cannot respect you do not respect themselves either, and not needing to compete with anyone because you are in an exalted league of your own.
It's about being benevolent by default, spreading and recognising goodwill, administering the benefit of the doubt, uplifting and showing your appreciation for your loved ones to the best of your ability; and ensuring all of the kindnesses you give to others, you also give to yourself.
It’s about a duty to be the best version of yourself and accepting nothing but the best in return.
Anyone who actively aspires to these principles, in my eyes, makes a true Princess.

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